Costco Martin’s Crispy Apple Chips Review

Are you looking for a healthy snack that’s crunchy and sweet? The Costco Martin’s Crispy Apple Chips consist of one single ingredient! Apples! Can these apple chips be satisfying enough to curb any cravings for sweets or potato chips?

Costco Martin's Crispy Apple Chips bag sitting on a table.
Costco Martin’s Crispy Apple Chips.

I picked up these apple chips from Costco when I was trying to eat a bit healthier and reduce the amount of processed sugar in my diet. I love sweets like chocolate, cake, cookies and pastries so picked up the Costco Martin’s Crispy Apple Chips to find an alternative that was still tasty and satisfying.

Other healthier snack options I’ve reviewed from Costco are the Costco That’s It Mini Fruit Bars, Costco RXBAR Protein Bars, Costco Angie’s Boom Chicka Pop Sea Salt Popcorn, Costco MadeGood Granola Minis, Costco Kirkland Signature Apple Sauce and the Costco Kirkland Signature Premium Quality Whole Mixed Nuts.

Location in Store

You can find the Martin’s Crispy Apple Chips by the potato chips at Costco, on the side of the store. The item number is 366921.

Closeup image of one Costco Martin's Crispy Apple Chip.
Each chip is a dehydrated thinly sliced piece of apple.


These apple chips taste like crunchy, dried apple slices. They’re sweeter than I was expecting, the flavor is similar to apple juice. I like them in small quantities, I definitely couldn’t eat a whole bag in one sitting but a handful helps when I’m having a craving for sweets.
The texture is pleasantly crunchy at first and as you chew them, they soften and the taste and texture becomes similar to fruit leather. The crunchy texture makes them great for crumbling and spreading on top of salads or pairing with a cream cheese dip. In summary, I think I prefer an actual apple over these apple chips.
Costco Martin's Crispy Apple Chips poured into a white bowl.
Ready to snack on!


The 300 gram bag of apple chips costs $6.99 Canadian at Costco. The price isn’t as cheap as making your own apple chips but you’re paying for convenience!


These apple chips make a great snack alone, but also are awesome in combination with plenty of other foods. You can add them to your trail mix, sprinkle them on your morning oatmeal, put them in yogurt or on a bowl of cereal, use them as toppings for pancakes or waffles, eat them with a cheese string or dunk them in peanut butter.

The bag is re-sealable, which I always love and the best before date is listed as three months from the date I purchased the apple chips.

Costco Martin's Crispy Apple Chips company and product description from the bag.
Martin’s apples come from a family owned fruit farm.



Seven apple chips contains 45 calories, zero grams of fat, seven grams of sugar and one gram of fibre. As these chips are dehydrated fruit, it’s much easier to overconsume and eat the equivalent of three or four whole fresh apples (something I would guess most people wouldn’t normally do).

Costco Martin's Crispy Apple Chips Nutrition Facts from bag.
Nutrition Facts.


The apple chips are gluten free and contain no fat or added sugar, they’re made of one ingredient which is apples. Just out of curiosity, I wish they specify what kind of apples the chips are made from. Fuji? Gala? Honeycrisp? Most people probably won’t care, so that’s a very minor nitpick.

Ingredients from bag.


Taste: 8.5/10

Cost: 7/10

Convenience: 10/10

Nutrition: 9/10 Some fibre is lost during the dehydration process.


Give it a try!

If you’re looking for an alternative to potato chips or other sweet snacks, these are a great option. Honestly, I prefer a juicy fresh apple instead of these Costco apple chips.

Have you tried these? What did you think?

Please note that this review was not paid for or sponsored by any third party. This product was purchased by Costcuisine for the purpose of producing this review. The opinions in this review are strictly those of Costcuisine. Costcuisine is not affiliated with Costco or any of its suppliers. In the event that Costcuisine receives compensation for a post from the manufacturer of a product or some other third party, the arrangement will be clearly disclosed (including where the manufacturer of a product provides Costcuisine with a free sample of the product).

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2 thoughts on “Costco Martin’s Crispy Apple Chips Review”

  1. I eat these apple chips with cambazola cheese on top, or could use any soft cheese on them, it is delicious this way.


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