Too sweet!
Please note that this review was not paid for or sponsored by any third party. However, I was given a free sample of this product to review. The opinions in this review are strictly my own. I am not affiliated with Costco or any of its suppliers. I am just a fan of the company. I write these reviews to help my fellow shoppers.
I’ve seen the Paisley Farm Four Bean Salad at Costco for years but have never tried it so I thought I’d finally pick it up to review.
Okay, this is way too sweet! I took a bite and decided I wasn’t going to be finishing the rest of the bean salad. The beans were fine, their texture wasn’t awful but what I didn’t like was how sweet the four bean salad is! It tastes like beans doused in sugar and vinegar. The sweetness takes away from the flavor of the beans.
I bought this on sale at Costco and I paid $7.99 Canadian for the two 1 liter jars of four bean salad. The regular price is $9.99 Canadian.
This could be used as a side dish or you could make it your main dish by adding protein like chicken or fish or some quinoa. The website for the company that makes the bean salad has some recipes for how to use the bean salad. The best before date is about two years from the date we purchased it.
1/3 cup is 60 calories, zero grams of fat, 160 mg of sodium, 14 grams of carbohydrates, one gram of fibre, nine grams of sugar and one gram of protein. A little high in sugar! The fifth ingredient is cane sugar.
This is a no go for me, Costco used to sell a bean salad in the pre-made deli section that was actually pretty good but this is nothing like that.
Taste: 3/10
Cost: 8/10
Convenience: 10/10
Nutrition: 5/10
What did you think if you’ve tried this? Would you try this? Why or why not?
We love it. It’s expected every summer at our lake cottage. I was told at the Costco in Indianapolis a few months ago that they were going to stop carrying it so I bought about 8 jars but I see it is available at Walmart and Amazon for a much higher price. Guess our family likes sweet things.
I love the Four Bean Salad from Costco. I tried to buy it yesterday and there was none on the shelves in Kelowna, B.C., Canada’s Costco. I was very disappointed. It’s convenient, it’s nutritious especially for high fiber which is necessary in everyone’s diet. Costco, can you please put it back on the shelves at our local Costco. Thank you
They could cut the sugar in half. Way too much sugar. I love the convince but may have to start mixing up my own.
I’ve been told this is a seasonal product only available in the summer. I, too, find it too sweet but rinse it in a colander and rather enjoy it that way. I love the convenience — I suppose it’s not that much trouble to open a few cans of beans and make a vinaigrette, but somehow I just don’t get around to it. This way I find it really easy to get some bean servings into my menu.
Way too sweet.
Too sweet for some but I absolutely love it !!!
I love it! I wish Costco eould bring it back.
How long does it last once you open it?
Hi Matt! The jar doesn’t say but I would finish it off within about 2 weeks personally.
Their website says you should consume it within 30 days after opening. Keep it in the fridge and always use a clean spoon to take some out of the jar.
Costco very spotty as to caring this item. I’ve had to order from Amazon to get product. We live in Fresno, CA., is not a good seller here? I was told Sam’s club carries this product, although we are not members. I suppose time to switch it up! Thank you John.
I love the salad I can mix it with other salads. The taste is amazing.
I cannot get the black lid off, why don’t they just use a clear plastic holder like Coke Cola uses.
That would be more convenient!
I struggle with that, too. It’s impossible to get the black plastic connectors off, too.
I take a can opener and put the pointy end under the rim of the lid. Push down on can opener enough to break the seal and it opens right up. Good luck!
I love it and I want to order 25 (2 packs) for a total of 50 jars. My postal code is H3V 1B4
Hi Marv! You’d have to contact Costco for your order.
Way toooo sweet!
Haven’t seen this product in a long time. When we used it, we drained the liquid, added more beans and mayo. Husband had it in his lunch everyday during hot weather. Loved it. Would be nice if Costco carried it again.
It’s currently back at my Costco!
like the 4 bean salad. very hard time finding it. gone from the costco shelves in salinas and seaside for at least 2 years. came back in spring and its gone again. would like to order at least a case. please advise
‘teri toledo
It would be nice if they left out the sugar, and one could add other healthy alternatives to the salad like olive oil or other tasty spices.