Simple and delicious granola!
Please note that this review was not paid for or sponsored by any third party. I purchased this product with my own money and the opinions in this review are strictly my own. I am not affiliated with Costco or any of its suppliers. I am just a fan of the company. I write these reviews to help my fellow shoppers.
So I love granola, I truly do. I just finished a 10 day streak of eating granola everyday for breakfast. I decided I love it so much that I’m going to try to limit myself to just having it on the weekends so I never get sick of it. I’ll wake up every Saturday pretty excited for my granola and yogurt bowl. I like all kinds of granola and have tried numerous kinds. There are definitely different types of “granola” some granola is hard and crunchy, other granola is chewy, some is full of seeds, nuts and dried fruits and other granola is basically just toasted dry oats. My favorite granola is from a local bakery but I wanted to try this Costco Kirkland Signature Ancient Grains granola to see how it tasted.
This granola tastes pretty good for the cost, it is definitely crunchy and full of hard, large stuck together clusters of oats that are a pain to break up. It has healthy ingredients like rolled oats, sliced almonds, spelt, quinoa and amaranth. Kirkland Signature Ancient Grains granola is quite sweet and is slightly flavored with cinnamon. I also noticed when eating this granola it has a slight saltiness to it, which I actually thought enhanced the flavor. You probably will be underwhelmed by this granola if you’re the type of person who wants granola with loads of pecans, walnuts, whole almonds , raisins, and dried cranberries. It’s a very basic granola with a scant amount of sliced almonds in it. I didn’t love the massive chunks of granola clusters because they were super difficult to break up and to me are almost too crunchy and hard when consumed whole. I think I prefer my granola to be less crunchy and more chewy.
This granola comes conveniently packaged in a bag that can be sealed again once opened. It is a pretty large bag so it may take some people a while to consume the whole bag, this is why it’s awesome that it freezes well. I find freezing granola does not impact the taste and increases the amount of time it stays fresh. Granola is perfect for a super easy breakfast, you can have it with milk, on yogurt or snack on it plain.
I paid $8.99 Canadian for this granola and the cost is not too bad considering how big the bag is. This is definitely not a fancy granola, just basic ingredients but the fact that it’s organic probably causes the price to be higher. I think I would prefer it if this granola was around the $6.99 price point. It’s definitely cheaper than the granola I buy at our local bakery but the granola from the bakery is loaded with added nuts and fruit.
Nutritionally this granola is vegan and organic and is full of whole grains and healthy oats. It’s also less calories than a lot of other granolas I have come across. Most granola is generally about 250 calories per 1/4 cup, the Costco Kirkland Signature Ancient Grains granola is 250 calories for 3/4 cup so you’re getting more granola for the same amount of calories. The sugar is not that high which is uprising because it tastes nice and sweet. You’re getting quite a bit of fibre consuming this granola. Five grams of protein is also not bad. The one con with this product is that it uses soybean oil and some people try to stay away from soy products but if you’re okay with consuming soy that will not matter to you. It also contains wheat so unfortunately this is not gluten free.
Overall this is not my favorite granola but it is less calories and cheaper than other fancier granola I have bought at a bakery or specialty store. I would repurchase this again if I was on a tighter budget or not able to make it to buy other granola or needed a larger amount of granola.
Taste: 7/10
Cost: 8/10
Convenience: 10/10
Nutrition: 8/10
How do you like your granola, soft, chewy, crunchy? With nuts, seeds or fruit? Do you eat it with milk or on yogurt or plain?
Can you make cookies with this?
You could try!
How can this be healthy when it’s loaded with sugar.
The new Kirkland version, $12cdn, has waaaaay too much sugar. One cup or 106grams is the new serving size, containing near 500 calories, most of it from 20 grams of sugars. Garbage. Back to making my own.
Recently while eating Nature Paths Coconut and Cashew cereal I bit down and totally destroyed molar on a hard piece of “whatever”. This molar according to the dentist had absolutely no decay. Sorry won’t be going near this cereal again. Probably going to cost be 5 grand in Canada for implant. Anyone Else have this experience?
I believe that the cereal has been “improved”
When I looked at the updated label I believe I saw 19 grams of sugar which was previously 9.
I will need to go back and verify as I cannot believe that they would do something so ridiculous
Keep me updated Richard!
I noticed a similar thing, however upon further inspection, I don’t think they’ve actually changed much with regards to the ingredients. What they’ve changed is the portion size listed. In this article it’s listed as 3/4 cup (55 g), whereas now it’s listed as 1 cup (106 g). Not quite sure how they did that math, but the nutritional facts are roughly the same if you calculate it per gram.
Yes it has been changed. The amount has been changed to 1 cup/ 106g and now has 19g of sugar or 19% of DV. This new cereal is more dense somehow adding 1/4 of a cup added 51g!! There is way more sugar and also iron, and salt.
Per 1 Cup (106g)
Sugars 19g (19%)
Sodium 240mg (10%)
Iron 3.5mg (19%)
Any information about where is it made…?
I believe Canada but I’m not sure the ingredients are 100% Canadian. I would contact