A healthier hot dog/sausage!
Please note that this review was not paid for or sponsored by any third party. I purchased this product with my own money and the opinions in this review are strictly my own. I am not affiliated with Costco or any of its suppliers. I am just a fan of the company. I write these reviews to help my fellow shoppers.

Now that we’re in the middle of the summer, it’s the perfect time to be reviewing barbecue-related foods! Today, I’m reviewing the Freybe Wild Garlic Sausages with Turkey & Chicken from Costco. I reviewed the Freybe Smoked Turkey & Chicken Sausages a while ago – you can find that review here. The Freybe sausages are my go-to hot dog for the summer. After scouring the nutrition labels of all of the different sausages/hot dogs at Costco, the Freybe sausages appear to be the healthiest option. If you love the Costco Kirkland Signature All Beef Wieners (the ones that they sell at the food court), do yourself a favor and don’t look at their nutritional label! If you’re curious, check out my review for them here. My husband is still a big fan of them though!
The Freybe Wild Garlic Sausages With Turkey & Chicken are pretty tasty, but I definitely prefer the taste of the Freybe Smoked Turkey & Chicken Sausages. I still liked these ones, but in comparison to the smoked ones, I found these wild garlic ones were drier and contained a spice I wasn’t particularly fond of. I can’t say for sure what it was because the ingredients list just says “spices”, but it might have been coriander. When I purchased these, my main concern was that I’m generally not a huge fan of foods that have a really strong garlic taste, but the Freybe Wild Garlic Sausages With Turkey & Chicken weren’t as garlicy as I expected. There’s definitely a noticeable hint of garlic though. Since the Freybe chicken and turkey sausages are healthier and thus contain less fat than a lot of sausages, they’re a bit chewier and not particularly moist when compared to a typical hot dog, but I kind of like them like that!
The regular price of the Freybe Wild Garlic Sausages with Turkey & Chicken at Costco is $14.99 Canadian for ten sausages. Each sausage is roughly the same length as standard hot dog, but a fair amount thicker. As a healthier option, both kinds of Freybe turkey and chicken sausages are a fair bit more expensive than normal hot dogs, but the price seems reasonable to me. They’re still a pretty cheap protein option.
These are versatile sausages! You can use them as hot dogs, in jambalaya or pasta or pair them with a salad. You can choose to cook them in a skillet or barbecue them. I recommend freezing the package after opening unless you’re hosting a big barbecue and can use them all!
Each sausage contains 140 calories, seven grams of fat, 610 milligrams of sodium, 17 grams of protein, one gram of sugar and one gram of carbohydrates. These numbers are good compared to almost all other sausages and hot dogs I’ve looked at, although the sodium content is still pretty high. The sausages are gluten-free and lactose-free. The casing is made of collagen.
I enjoyed these sausages enough that I’ll finish up the pack over the next few weekends as we barbecue hot dogs. As with the other Freybe turkey and chicken sausages, I definitely appreciate that they’re healthier than most other sausage options. Once I’m done with this pack though, I’ll be going back to the Freybe Smoked Turkey & Chicken Sausages because I prefer the flavor and find they’re more moist.
Taste: 7/10
Cost: 8/10
Convenience: 8/10
Nutrition: 6/10
Location in Costco: In the deli section by the cheese and cold cuts.
Have you had these? What did you think? What’s your favorite thing to BBQ from Costco?