Costco Delici Lemon Meringue Pie Review

If you love meringue pie but don’t want to buy an entire pie or go to the work of making one from scratch these Delici Lemon Meringue Pie desserts from Costco are a great option. They can be enjoyed cold or heated and are conveniently packaged in individual ramekins. They’re made in France so I immediately assume they must be amazing, were my assumptions correct? Find out below!

Image of the Costco Delici Lemon Meringue Pie box sitting on a table unopened.
Costco Delici Lemon Meringue Pie.

I’ve reviewed a number of Delici products from Costco over the years like the Belgian Chocolate Mousse, Belgian Chocolate Souffle, Sea Salt Caramel Mousse, Chocolate S’mores Souffle and the Mini Patisserie Desserts.

Sideview closeup image of one lemon meringue pie ramekin served on a white plate with a spoon beside it.
Ready to try!

Location in Store

These desserts are located in the refrigerated deli section at Costco, near the meats, cheeses and dips. The item number is 1824303.

Top down image of one lemon meringue pie sitting on a table, showing the toasted meringue topping.
The pie has that toasted meringue topping people love so much.


The first thing I noticed with these lemon meringue pies is that it can be a bit tricky to get a balanced spoonful with crust, filling and meringue. There seems to be a bit more meringue topping than you see from the sides.

I think it kind of sinks into the filling in the middle. The crust on my dish seemed really uneven – it was missing in spots. I looked at the other dishes in my box and they seemed better, so I may have just had a bad one.

Image of a spoon with meringue topping on it hovering over a lemon meringue pie ramekin.
There’s a lot of meringue topping!

The reason why that matters is that I think the combination of all three components works better than they do individually. I enjoyed the taste and texture of my balanced bites the most. The meringue topping looks really neat, but it doesn’t taste that great. I went back and forth between thinking it tasted kind of funny and thinking it was just sweet. The caramelized spots have a nicer flavor.

Image of a spoon with lemon meringue pie on it close to the camera hovering over the dish.
The lemon meringue pie is quite sweet but still enjoyable!

The filling has a nice mix of lemon and sweetness. I didn’t find either one to be overdone. The texture and flavor of the crust complement the filling well.

Closeup image of a spoon with lemon meringue pie on it hovering over the ramekin of lemon meringue pie.
Zesty lemon flavor.

Lemon meringue pie isn’t a dessert I’d ever choose for myself. I’m not big on lemon. With that being said, these little glass jars are pretty good but quite sweet. I’d be curious to hear what people who love lemon desserts think.

Image of one heated lemon meringue pie sitting on a white plate.
You can reuse the ramekins for as a dish for dips, ice cream or yogurt!


There are six 80 gram desserts in the pack which costs $14.99 Canadian. Which isn’t cheap but you’re paying for the fact they come in glass containers and are marketed as a fancier dessert.

Image of the back of the box of the Delici Lemon Merigue Pies showing nutrition facts, ingredients, heating instructions and product description.
You can serve the pie cold or warm, depending on your preference.


The lemon meringue pies need to be kept refrigerated and the box recommends not freezing the desserts as they have previously been frozen. They have a best before date that’s just over a month from when I purchased them.

Image of the heating instructions for the pie from the back of the box.
Heating instructions.

The box recommends heating the pies using either the microwave or oven. We heated ours in the oven and they turned out nice! The ramekin the pie comes in does heat up so be careful when removing it from the oven or microwave. You can also enjoy them cold if you prefer!

Image of one pie on a baking sheet heating in the oven.
Heating the pie in the oven.

These are great to serve at a dinner party or for any lemon meringue lover who doesn’t want to make a whole big pie.

Top down image showing the box of pies open showing three sealed ramekins sitting on the box.
There are six pies in the box.



One lemon meringue pie contains 280 calories, eight grams of fat, 47 grams of carbohydrates, one gram of fibre, 36 grams of sugar, three grams of protein and 80 milligrams of sodium.

Image of the nutrition facts for the Delici Lemon Meringue Pie desserts from the back of the box.
Nutrition facts.


Unfortunately there are zero healthy ingredients listed other than lemon juice. The first ingredient is sadly sugar and there’s other ingredients I don’t love seeing like palm fat and some preservatives/additives. The desserts lemon meringue pies contain egg and wheat and may contain soy, milk, hazelnuts, pistachios and almonds.

Also note the pies contain beef gelatin if you’re unable to eat beef products.

Image of the ingredients list for the Delici Lemon Meringue Pie desserts from the back of the box.


Taste: 7/10

Cost: 5/10

Convenience: 10/10

Nutrition: 0/10


Give it a try!

These definitely aren’t amazing, they’re pretty sweet. The meringue on top isn’t that great and there’s a ton if it but the lemon filling and crust are nice.

Have you tried these Costco Delici Lemon Meringue Pie Desserts? What did you think of them?

Please note that this review was not paid for or sponsored by any third party. This product was purchased by Costcuisine for the purpose of producing this review. The opinions in this review are strictly those of Costcuisine. Costcuisine is not affiliated with Costco or any of its suppliers. In the event that Costcuisine receives compensation for a post from the manufacturer of a product or some other third party, the arrangement will be clearly disclosed (including where the manufacturer of a product provides Costcuisine with a free sample of the product).

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7 thoughts on “Costco Delici Lemon Meringue Pie Review”

  1. I love lemon meringue pie. Favourite for sure. Bought these at Costco as a treat. I was only able to eat half of one, and that was pushing it. It is overly sweet and it is gritty. I’m glad I didn’t serve it to guests. I would have been embarrassed. Now what do I do with the rest of them?

  2. Way too much sugar and Carbs so not a win for me. Otherwise i would have liked to try them
    Also out of curiosity if not a fan of Lemon why give your opinion? To me should be someone that does like lemon to give a real opinion of the flavour

  3. Hi Natalie! I just read this with interest after seeing this dessert in my warehouse. It piqued my curiosity since this pie was my dad’s favourite waaaay back mid last century lol. Then I saw the nutritional breakdown. Did you know that 1 cup = approximately 45 teaspoons? At 36 tsp of sugar per serving, that’s absolutely mind boggling! No wonder it tasted sweet lol! I’ll definitely take a pass on this one no matter how good it is 🙄. Cheers from Ontario!


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